Recent scientific (2009-2018) publications from research conducted at the Ecology Center or research using Ecology Center resources, include the following:
Ackleh, A., J. Carter, K. Deng, Q. Huang, N. Pal, and X. Yang (2012). Fitting a structured juvenile-adult model for green tree frogs to population estimates from capture-mark-recapture field data. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 74:641-665.
Ackleh, A., J. Carter, L. Cole, T. Nguyen, J. Monte, and C. Pettit (2010). Measuring and modeling the seasonal changes of an urban green treefrog (Hyla cinerea) population. Ecological Modeling 221:281-289.
Adeyemi, J., and P.L. Klerks (2013). Occurrence of copper acclimation in the least killifish, Heterandria formosa and the associated biochemical and physiological mechanisms. Aquatic Toxicology 130-131:51-57.
Adeyemi, J., and P.L. Klerks (2012). Salinity acclimation modulates copper toxicity in the sheepshead minnow, Cyprinodon variegatus. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 31:1573-1578.
Adeyemi, J.A, L.E. Deaton, T.C. Pesacreta, and P.L. Klerks (2012). Effects of copper on osmoregulation in sheepshead minnow, Cyprinodon variegatus acclimated to different salinities. Aquatic Toxicology 109:111-117.
Alleman, L., and M. Hester (2011). Reproductive ecology of black mangrove (Avicennia germinans) along the Louisiana Coast. Estuaries and Coasts 34:1068-1077.
Alleman, L., and M. Hester (2011). Refinement of the fundamental niche of black mangrove (Avicennia germinans) seedlings in Louisiana: Applications for restoration. Wetlands Ecology and Management 19:47-60.
Athrey, N.R.G, R.F. Lance, and P.L. Leberg (2012). How far is too close? Restricted, sex-biased dispersal in black-capped vireos. Molecular Ecology 21:4359-70.
Athrey, N.R.G., K.R. Barr, R.F. Lance, and P.L. Leberg (2012). Birds in space & time: Genetic changes accompanying anthropogenic habitat fragmentation in the endangered black-capped vireo (Vireo atricapilla). Evolutionary Applications 5:540–552.
Cardona-Olarte, P., K.W. Krauss, and R.R. Twilley (2013). Leaf gas exchange and nutrient use efficiency help explain the distribution of two neotropical mangroves under contrasting flooding and salinity. International Journal of Forestry Research, vol. 2013, Article ID 524625, 10 pp.
Castañeda-Moya, E., R.R. Twilley, and V. H. Rivera-Monroy (2013). Allocation of biomass and net primary productivity of mangrove forests along environmental gradients in the Florida Coastal Everglades, USA. Forest Ecology and Management 307:226-241.
Cazan A.M. and P.L. Klerks (2015). Physiological effects and reduced tolerance following maternal metal exposure in the live-bearing fish Gambusia affinis. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 34:1337-1344.
Cazan A.M. and P.L. Klerks (2015). Effects from a short-term exposure to copper or cadmium in gravid females of the livebearer fish (Gambusia affinis). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 118:199-203.
Cazan, A.M. and P.L. Klerks (2014). Effects on life history variables and population dynamics following maternal metal exposure in the live-bearing fish Gambusia affinis. Ecotoxicology 24:626-635
.Cazan, A.M. and P.L. Klerks (2014). Evidence of maternal copper and cadmium transfer in two live-bearing fish species. Ecotoxicology 23:1774-1183.
Cormier N, Twilley RR, Ewel KC & Krauss KW (2015). Fine root productivity varies along nitrogen and phosphorus gradients in high-rainfall mangrove forests of Micronesia. Hydrobiologia 750:69-87.
Doyle, C.M., P.L. Leberg, and P.L. Klerks (2011). Heritability of heat tolerance in a small livebearing fish, Heterandria formosa. Ecotoxicology 20:535-542.
Feher, L. C., J.M. Willis, and M.W. Hester (2018). Importance of site history and environmental setting on soil properties in three restored Louisiana back-barrier island salt marshes. Journal of Coastal Research 34:58-66.
Franco, M.E., B.E. Felgenhauer & P.L. Klerks (2018) Crude oil toxicity to the fiddler crabs Uca longisignalis and Uca panacea from the northern Gulf of Mexico: Impacts on bioturbation, oxidative stress and histology of the hepatopancreas. Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry 47: 491-500.
Geary, B., S. M. Longest, K. Ottewell, S. M. Lantz, S. T. Walter, J. Karubian and P. L. Leberg. (2017). Genetic structure of brown pelicans (Pelecanus occidentalis) in the northern Gulf of Mexico in the context of human management and disturbance. PLOS ONE 12:e0185309.
Green, C., P.L. Leberg, and M. Luent (2010). Evaluation of aerial sampling methods for detecting waterbird colonies. Journal of Field Ornithology 81:411-419.
Hasenstein, K., S. John, P. Scherp, D. Povinelli, S. Mopper (2012). Analysis of magnetic gradients to study gravitropism. American Journal of Botany 100:249-55.
Heimann, K., P.L. Klerks,and K.H. Hasenstein (2009). Involvement of actin and microtubules in regulation of bioluminescence and translocation of chloroplasts in the dinoflagellate Pyrocystis lunula. Botanica Marina 52:170-177.
Hitch, A.T., S.B. Martin, K.M. Purcell, P.L. Klerks, and P.L. Leberg (2011). Interactions of salinity, marsh fragmentation and submerged aquatic vegetation on resident nekton assemblages of coastal marsh ponds. Estuaries and Coasts 34:653–662.
Howard, R.J. (2010). Intraspecific variation in growth of marsh macrophytes in response to salinity and soil type: implications for wetland restoration. Estuaries and Coasts 33:127-138.
Klerks, P.L., M.A. Blaha (2009). Heat tolerance as an indicator of climate change impacts: General considerations and a case study in Poeciliid fish. Environmental Bioindicators 4:46-66.
Klerks, P.L., C.M. Doyle, and P.L. Leberg (2011). Heritability of heat tolerance in a small livebearing fish, Heterandria formosa. Ecotoxicology 20:535-542.
Klerks, P.L., A. Kascak, A.M. Cazan, N. Deb Adhikary, A. Chistoserdov, A. Shaik, S. Osman & F.R. Louka. (in press) Effects of the razor clam Tagelus plebeius on the fate of petroleum hydrocarbons; a mesocosm experiment. Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. (DOI: 10.1007/s00244-018-0515-0)
Krauss, K.W., J.L. Whitbeck,and R.J. Howard (2012). On the relative roles of hydrology, salinity, temperature, and root productivity in controlling soil respiration from coastal swamps (freshwater). Plant and Soil 358:265–274.
Krauss, K.W., T.W. Doyle, and R.J. Howard (2009). Is there evidence of adaptation to tidal flooding in saplings of baldcypress subjected to different salinity regimes? Environmental and Experimental Botany 67:118-126.
Luent, M.C., M. Collins, C. Jeske, and P.L. Leberg (2012). Prevalence of a potentially lethal parasite of wading birds in natural and agricultural wetlands in south Louisiana. Southeastern Naturalist, 11:415-422.
Martin, S. B. and P L. Leberg (2011) Influence of environmental stress on age and size at maturity: genetic and plastic responses of coastal marsh fishes to changing salinities. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 68:2121-2131.
Martin, S.B., A.T. Hitch, K.M. Purcell, P.L. Klerks and P.L. Leberg (2009). Life history variation along a salinity gradient in coastal marshes. Aquatic Biology 8:15-28.
Meerow, AW, Gideon M, Kuhn D, Mopper S, Nakamura K (2011). The genetic mosaic of iris series Hexagonae in Florida: Inferences on the holocene history of the Louisiana irises and anthropogenic effects on their distribution. International Journal of Plant Sciences 172:1026-1052.
Meriwether JR, LA Sharp, G Steyer (2009). Mapping the sediment deposition of Hurricane Ike's storm surge. 55th Annual Radiobioassay and Radiochemical Measurements Conference, San Antonio, TX October, 2009.
Mopper S, K Wiens, G Goranova (2016). Competition, salinity, and clonal growth in native and introduced irises. American Journal of Botany 103:1575-1581.
Oguma, A.Y. & P.L. Klerks (2017). Pollution-induced community tolerance in benthic macroinvertebrates of a mildly lead-contaminated lake. Environmental Science & Pollution Research 24:19076-19085.
Oguma, A.Y. & P.L. Klerks (2015). Evidence for mild sediment Pb contamination affecting leaf-litter decomposition in a lake. Ecotoxicology 24: 1322-1329.
Pathikonda S, A Meerow, Z He, S Mopper (2010). Salinity tolerance and genetic variability in freshwater and brackish Iris hexagona colonies. American Journal of Botany 97:1438-1443.
Pathikonda S, AA Ackleh, KH Hasenstein, S Mopper (2009). Invasion, disturbance, and competition: modeling the fate of coastal plant populations. Conservation Biology 23:164-173.
Pickens C, and M Hester (2011). Temperature tolerance of early life history stages of black mangrove Avicennia germinans: Implications for range expansion. Estuaries and Coasts 34:824-830.
Purcell, K.M., A.T. Hitch, S.B. Martin, P.L. Klerks, and P.L. Leberg (2012). The role of genetic structure in the adaptive divergence of populations experiencing saltwater intrusion due to relative sea level rise. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 25:2623-2632.
Purcell, K.M., P.L. Klerks, and P.L. Leberg (2010). Adaptation to sea level rise: does local adaptation influence the demography of coastal fish populations. Journal of Fish Biology 77:1209-1218.
Regmi, R., M.R. Douglas, W. J. B. Anthonysamy, M. E. Douglas and P. L. Leberg. (2016). Salinity and hydrological barriers have little influence on genetic structure of the mosquitofish in a coastal landscape shaped by climate change. Hydrobiologia 777: 209–223
Ruan CJ, S Mopper (2017) High-crown grafting to increase low yields in Camellia oleifera. Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology 92:439-444.
Ruan CJ, H Li, S Mopper (2009) Kosteletzkya virginica displays a mixed mating system in response to pollinator environment despite strong inbreeding depression. Plant Ecology, 203:183-193.
Ruan CJ, S Mopper, JA Teixeira da Silva, P Qin, QX Zhang, Y Shan (2009) Context-dependent style curvature in Kosteletzkya virginica (Malvaceae) offers reproductive assurance under unpredictable pollinator environments. Plant Systematics and Evolution 277:207-2.
Ruan CJ, Teixeira da Silva, JA, Mopper S, Qin P, Lutts S (2010) Halophyte improvement for a salinized world. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences 29:329-359.
Ruan CJ, R Yan, BX Wang, S. Mopper, WK Guan, J Zhang (2017) The importance of yellow horn (Xanthoceras sorbifolia) for restoration of arid habitats and production of bioactive seed oils. Ecological Engineering 99:504–512.
Satbhai, K.S., F.R. Louka & P.L. Klerks (2017). Individual and combined effects of petroleum hydrocarbons phenanthrene and dibenzothiophene on reproductive behavior in the amphipod Hyalella azteca. Water Air Soil Pollution 228: 91 (14 pp.).
Sloey, T.M., and M.W. Hester (2016). Interactions between soil physicochemistry and belowground biomass production in a freshwater tidal marsh. Plant and Soil. 401:397-408.
Sloey, T.M., and M.W. Hester (2018). Impact of nitrogen and silicon on increasing mechanical stem strength in Schoenoplectus acutus and Schoenoplectus californicus: Applications for restoration. Wetland Ecology and Management (in press;
Thigpen, T.F., A.Y. Oguma & P.L. Klerks (2014). The effects of phenanthrene on the benthic macroinvertebrate community of a Louisiana swamp. Eastern Biologist 2:1-11.
Vogt, S.K., A.G. Billock, and P.L. Klerks (2013). Acute copper toxicity and acclimation to copper using the behavioral endpoint of shoaling, in the least killifish (Heterandria formosa). Water Air Soil Pollution 224: 1627 (8 pp.).
Walter, S.T., M.R. Carloss, T.J. Hess, G. Athrey, and P.L. Leberg. (2013). Brown pelican movement patterns and population structure. The Condor 115:788-799.
Walter, S.T., M.R. Carloss, T.J. Hess, and P.L. Leberg. (2013). Hurricane, habitat degradation, and land loss effects on brown pelican nesting colonies, Journal of Coastal Research 29:187-195.
Walter, S.T., M.R. Carloss, T.J. Hess, G. Athrey, and P.L. Leberg. (2013). Brown pelican colony initiation attempts: Translocations and decoys. Waterbirds 36:53-62.
Wang YH, Poudel DD, Hasenstein KH. (2011). Identification of SSR markers associated with saccharification yield using pool-based genome-wide association mapping in sorghum. Genome 2011 Nov;54(11):883-9.
Willis J.M., R. Gambrell, and M. Hester (2011). Mercury concentrations in oligohaline wetland vegetation and associated soil biogeochemistry. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 181:373-383.
Xie, L., X. Wu, H. Chen, W. Dong, A.M. Cazan, and P.L. Klerks (2016). A low level of dietary selenium has both beneficial and toxic effects and is protective against Cd toxicity in the least killifish Heterandria formosa. Chemosphere 161:358-364.
Yang X., N. Pal, A.S. Ackleh, and J. Carter (2011). A case study of green tree frog population size estimation by repeated capture-mark-recapture method with individual tagging. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 81:1879-1895.
Yando, E.S., M.J. Osland, and M.W. Hester (2018). Microspatial ecotone dynamics at a shifting range limit: plant-soil variation across salt marsh-mangrove interfaces. Oecologia (in press -
Yando, E.S., M.J. Osland, J.M. Willis, R.H. Day, K.W. Krauss, and M.W. Hester (2016). Salt marsh-mangrove ecotones: Using structural gradients to investigate the effects of woody plant encroachment on plant-soil interactions and ecosystem carbon pools. Journal of Ecology 104:1020–1031.